A Strong Ending for One Year and A Strong Beginning for the Next

I'm delighted to report that several of my poems were published at the end of last year in various venues. 

I got a science fiction poem, "When I listen to a shell," published in issue 45.4 of Star*Line, the journal of Science Fiction Poetry Association. Even though they're a science fiction market, their journal isn't online, but if you want to purchase issue 45.4 in hard copy, here's the link to their Web site:

Science Fiction Poetry Association (sfpoetry.com)

I also got a sonnet, "Conjuring Kate: For K.J.," published in The Lyric. Unfortunately, their journal isn't online, either, though, given the fact that The Lyric publishes verse in traditional forms, it's not surprising they don't publish online. Again, if you'd like to purchase a hard copy, here's their link as well: 

I also recently got a pair of poems published in an animal-oriented journal, Honeyguide Literary Review. The good news is that not only do they publish a hard copy version of the journal (which is beautiful, and you can purchase a copy of online at the link below), but they also have an online version. The first poem is "Villanelle for the Baby Bunny in the Bank Parking Lot," and I'm thrilled to report that the editor nominated this poem for a Pushcart Prize! You can see it here:

The second poem is entitled "For my Cat, Daisy May, at her Window." You can read it here: 

But, wait, that's not all! To round out a great end to a great year, I got an historical fiction piece published recently in Copperfield Review Quarterly. You can see it here:

Happily, 2023 is off to as strong a start as the end of 2022. My flash fiction piece, "Development," just appeared in Another Chicago Magazine (ACM). If you'd like to read it, please follow the link below:


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