A Strong Ending for One Year and A Strong Beginning for the Next
I'm delighted to report that s everal of my poems were published at the end of last year in various venues. I got a science fiction poem, "When I listen to a shell," published in issue 45.4 of Star*Line , the journal of Science Fiction Poetry Association. Even though they're a science fiction market, their journal isn't online, but if you want to purchase issue 45.4 in hard copy, here's the link to their Web site: Science Fiction Poetry Association (sfpoetry.com) I also got a sonnet, "Conjuring Kate: For K.J.," published in The Lyric . Unfortunately, their journal isn't online, either, though, given the fact that The Lyric publishes verse in traditional forms, it's not surprising they don't publish online. Again, if you'd like to purchase a hard copy, here's their link as well: The Lyric Magazine – The Oldest Magazine in North America Devoted to Traditional Poetry I also recently got a pair of poems published in an animal-or...